Friday, June 22, 2018

this job is murder

it has been said that by doing something you love, you will never work a day in your life. given the ridiculousness of said statement; it assumes the ability to do what you love, that doing so as a means of income will not render the love ethereal and transient, and that no other time spent outside of the job consists of work, one might simply choose to wholly disregard the entirety of said idiom and banish it away never to be summoned as hackneyed speech or motivational poster ever again. however, one finds that, given how many people on social media routinely ascribe a desire to die to their existence, such as in the way "i want to die" or "please kill me" one might infer that death is what many users of social media - a sizeable but shrinking majority of which are humans - love. one finds that, unlike all other professions, death is the passion project that has a 100% success rate in ensuring you never work another day in your life.

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