Friday, January 1, 2021

severed crossed climax

it's the same playlist it's been for a few years now. the songs were chosen to be melancholic and kind of sorrowful but not slow, still punchy and party like. sort of. you remember listening to the list the first time and this time won't be the last. it's a familiar habit to go back on when the sadness of another year passed sets in. the list has survived more than one partner and more than one drug and more than one prescription and more than one bottle of alcohol. "severed crossed fingers there" st vincent crows. you drank more than you had in awhile after pregaming with enough water to make sure you could. half a 12% beer and a shot or two of whiskey later and a glass of champange here you are. it's 2am and she's gone upstairs to sleep while you put on the end of flcl as you put away the last few dishes. it's the same show it's been for years now. the show is melancholic and kind of sorrowful but not slow, still punchy and party like. it's a familiar habit to go back to when the sadness of another year passed sets in. you used to do this at 3am on saturday night at your parent's place and then yours. you have a few resolutions, just like mamimi, who wanted to be a photographer. "i don't know what happened to her after that" naota says. i'll see you next year. i think that's a resolution enough in and of itself.

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