Tuesday, May 15, 2018

the floor is littered with goodness

her boots and coat and socks lie crumpled up on the floor and it feels real and tangible and shared. you never used to want people in your room. it was your one and only recluse. months and months of dating meant you slowly opened up to the idea but it was always temporary. now you wake up and wish she could come in and out whenever and you feel so able to trust her that you even like the idea, of her walking in and out any time and leaving bits and pieces of her there, knowing that nothing she does will be invasive or wrong or done out of anything but the same desire to share a space. every morning you wake up and see her things and wish you saw her too. for now you will settle with after work, after class, in between moments when you can feel her skin and taste her lips and laugh together and make shitty puns and talk about life until 3am, wishing you could fall asleep in each other's arms every single night.

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