Thursday, March 5, 2015

Being White

Being white means never getting stopped in the hallways of high school by security during class.
Being white means never hearing car doors lock as I walk down the sidewalk.
Being white means I can wear a hoodie safely.
Being white means I'll never have to worry about a woman whose parents told her not to date "my people."
Being white means my "culture" will never be to blame.
Being white means the beauty products in the aisle call me "normal" and "healthy."
Being white means I will get the most responses on dating sites.
Being white means I will be everywhere in the media, everywhere in government, everywhere in corporate.
Being white means everything will be marketed to me.
Being white means if I am caught with drugs, I will not go to jail like others, and if I do, it will be for less time.
Being white means police and security will not profile me.
Being white means I can sit in a parked car, or at a park, without being arrested at gunpoint.
Being white means the news will use my good photos.
Being white means people will be more likely to assume I am safe and intelligent.
Being white means I can post this blog entry without fear of being called racist.

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